Engelmann Spruce Seed
Picea engelmanniiThe Engelmann Spruce is the most common spruce to be found in the Rockies where it grows to 30m tall. It likes deep well drained soils. Related to White Spruce (P. glauca ) and hybridizes with them, given a chance. The timber is used for pulp and paper making but also to make the fronts of guitars where it gives a clean pale colour. The tree is narrowly, neatly conical in shape and small branches tend to droop a bit. Needles are green with white bands both above and beneath and are quite soft. When crushed they smell of menthol. There are one or two named selections of the species available with greyer foliage.
European Larch Seed
Larix deciduaEuropean Larch, Larix decidua, is a fast growing deciduous conifer. It has a slender conical crown when young with drooping branches in older specimens. Fine needles turn yellow in autumn and the small brown cones stay on the tree through the winter. Great areas have been planted for timber and it is useful as a nurse tree for other trees since it grows so fast and is very hardy.
Not for forestry purposes.
European Silver Fir Seed
Abies albaThe European Silver Fir is common in the mountains of France, Germany and Switzerland. When young it makes a symmetrical conical shape. In the wild it is found in areas of high rainfall and northern aspect, in mixed forests of Norway Spruce and Beech. Foliage and timber are highly pine scented and essential oils are extracted from them. The white wood is mainly used for construction, pulp, plywood and paper manufacture. It is quite often grown for Christmas tree production, more so in America than Europe.
Not for forestry purposes.
Fraser Fir Seed
Abies fraseriFraser Fir is often cultivated as a Christmas tree in the USA since it is scented and has non-drop, blue grey needles; it is slow growing when young taking 10 years to reach 2.5 to 3m. As a young tree the branches are quite dense, but growth becomes more open as the tree ages. It never grows really huge. The small upright cones fall to pieces to shed the seeds when they are about 6mths old. In the wild it is rare. Enjoys short cool summers and survives cold and snowy winters.
Grand Fir Seed
Abies grandisGrand Fir is an extremely fast growing conifer, although for the first few years is slow. Needles are very aromatic(grapefruit) when crushed, buds deep purple often covered with resin. The top branches fan out, it does not grow to a flat head. It loves high rainfall areas like its native habitat in north-west America.
Not for forestry purposes.
Incense Cedar Seed
Libocedrus decurrensThe Incense Cedar is a large evergreen tree that is resistant to honey fungus and can add height to a group of trees or shrubs. The dark green aromatic leaves are in dense fan like sprays and smell, apparently, like shoe polish(?). Bark is in plates that curl outwards on the top and bottom sides, even on young trees. It is a very low maintenance tree. In it’s native California it spreads well after wildfires and is drought tolerant. The soft even grained wood has been used to make pencils.
Jack Pine Seed
Pinus banksianaThe Jack Pine is a 2 needle pine that is extremely hardy and greatly undervalued as a landscape tree. It is sometimes used for Christmas tree production in the USA and is widespread in Canada.
Japanese Black Pine Seed
Pinus thunbergiiBlack Pine is a distinctive, splendid large tree with twisted branches. It has rigid twisted needles, arranged in pairs, up to 18cm long and is an important timber tree in its native Japan. As a young tree it makes a stiffly conical shape, but gets quirkier with age. Slow growing. In winter, buds at the branch end are silky and white. Female flowers are often extremely numerous and are an attractive red/pink/purple.
Japanese Cedar Seed
Cryptomeria japonicaJapanese Cedar is a fast growing, columnar conifer which is easily cultivated and thrives in most soils. Its feathery foliage is actually made of short needles spirally arranged and similar to Sequoiadendron. Both needles and timber are aromatic
Japanese Larch Seed
Larix kaempferiJapanese Larch is a vigorous, large conifer with red shoots and sea green leaves which are longer and broader than those of European Larch. It is fast growing and used as a timber crop, supplying the building trade. The needle-like leaves turn good autumn colour of yellow and orange. Sometimes the needles sprout directly out of the trunk or larger branches. The small attractive cones are copper-brown when ripe and often age on the tree to grey.
Not for forestry purposes.
Japanese Red Pine Seed
Pinus densifloraJapenese Red Pine is a large tree with paired needles that are up to 12cm long and twisted. It makes an architectural shape, eventually, and is often used in Japanese gardens. In Korea it is held in special esteem for it’s connections with Confucius, and is mentioned in the S. Korea National Anthem! Commercially it was historically used for timber and resin production.
Japanese Stone Pine Seed
Pinus pumilaJapanese Stone Pine is a beautiful low growing, sometimes prostrate, hardy shrub-like tree native to north-east Asia including Japan. The female cones are purplish when young turning to a red-brown at maturity. Needles are dense and in bundles of 5. In the wild it grows at high elevations, above the forest line and often with willow and alder scrub. Very tolerant of extreme climates – a tough specimen!
Japanese White Pine Seed
Pinus parvifloraJapanese White Pine is a small to medium sized conifer, conical when young, becoming flat topped when mature. The curved and twisted 5cm long leaves are blue-green with blue-white inner surfaces, growing in bunches of 5. Most often seen in the semi-dwarf form used in Japanese style gardens.
Jeffrey Pine Seed
Pinus jeffreyiJeffrey pine is an imposing tree with a conical crown and matt bluish green needles, in bunches of three, that are up to 20cm long and spiny. Related and similar to Pinus ponderosa but with less prickley cones. The resin is scented allegedly of vanilla/lemon/apple or honeysuckle. Tolerates cold and dry and high altitudes.
Juniper Seed
Juniperus communisJuniper produces the berry to flavour gin and is used to make a beer in Scandinavian countries! Dried berries are used sparingly in cooking to flavour meat and game. A medium to large sized evergreen shrub with silver backed leaves/needles and black berries. It can grow tall or low and spreading, and anything in-between! It is being used increasingly to plant the sides of northern motorways. Very prickly.
Korean Fir Seed
Abies koreanaThe Korean Fir is a small, very neat tree with needles that are 1 to 2 cm long, dark glossy green on top, white underneath. It produces prominent, decorative violet or purple cones about 5 to 8 cm long, which disintegrate when about 6mths old.
Korean Pine Seed
Pinus koraiensisKorean Pine is an ornamental Pine with long blue needles arranged in groups of 5. When young it grows in a pyramidal shape, but branches become more horizontal with age. Large cones are produced towards the end of branches, ripening to 11cm long. The seeds contained in the cones are large and used in cooking, like Pinus pinea.
Lawson Cypress Seed
Chamaecyparis lawsonianaA large conical tree which is a useful ornamental and makes an excellent evergreen hedge or screen even in exposed situations. Looks like Leylandii, but is slightly slower growing.
Lodgepole / Beach Pine Seed
Pinus contortaLodgepole Pine is a medium sized tree with short branches and paired yellowish green leaves. The cones appear in clusters and the tree is often grown in coastal areas. Pictures show cones, male flowers (cream coloured)and female flowers(pink/purple)
pic courtesy of MPF, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons
Not for forestry purposes.
Macedonian Pine Seed
Pinus peuceMacedonian Pine is a particularly ornamental pine with horizontal branches at ground level which become vertical in the crown. It has a narrow pyramidal growth habit which suits it to confined spaces. The cones, occasionally produced, are very large, slightly bent and the long needles, in bundles of 5, give it a soft appearance – very stroke-able! Slow early growth and tolerant of semi shade and poorish soils.
pic courtesy of 4028mdk09, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Maidenhair Tree Seed
Ginkgo bilobaThe Maidenhair is an ancient species of tree easily recognised by its unusual fan shaped leaves which develop a striking yellow colour in autumn. It was around when the dinosaurs roamed the earth and, although it doesn’t look like it, is classed as a conifer. The male and female flowers occur on different trees, so both are needed to produce fruit. When produced, the berries are edible but smell dreadful! When young, the growing tip can be damaged by cold winds, so plant in a sheltered spot, in sun or semi-shade. Reported to have an effect on cognitive function if taken as a supplement (Chinese medicine), but there is no scientific evidence for this at present.
Meyer’s Spruce Seed
Picea meyeriMeyer’s Spruce is a decorative, medium-fast growing conifer with grey green needles, purple male catkins and copper brown cones. Rare in the wild, since subalpine forests are in decline. Where commercially planted it’s used for construction timber and pulp, but could be a good Xmas tree.
Monkey Puzzle / Chile Pine Seed
Araucaria araucanaThe Monkey Puzzle is unique in its appearance and is much sought after. It is protected in its native Chile. The open network of branches, arranged symmetrically are covered in the sharp, scale-like leaves. Quite slow growing but will reach a good height. The seed is huge and a lovely colour and can be eaten. This has now been christened ‘The Marmite tree’ – you either love it or….not
Monterey Cypress Seed
Cupressus macrocarpaMonterey Cypress is often cultivated in gardens as a hedging plant, especially in North America, but makes a magnificent specimen tree too. It can tolerate poor soils and hot and dry conditions, being endemic to California. The last remaining trees there are puportedly over 2000 years old. the flattened bract-like leaves are citrus scented when crushed.
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