Pocket Handkerchief Tree Seed

Davidia involucrata

£18.00 inc. VAT

The Pocket Handkerchief or Davidia is a delightfully beautiful tree whose flower-like bracts look like doves or pocket handkerchiefs when flowering in late spring. A medium sized deciduous tree which prefers well drained loamy soils. The  oval fruit hang on the tree well into winter, looking like green Christmas tree decorations.

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Davidia involucrata

Common name: Pocket Handkerchief/DoveTree.

Native: Central and Western China.

Provenance: China

Size and spread (10 years): 4m x 2m

Treatment required: Mildly dormant requires 16 weeks stratification treatment.

Seeds / kg:    c. 175;  33% viable

Ideal sowing period: Spring

Soil conditions: Deep well drained soils.

Planting instructions: Give enough space to be able to walk round and admire this tree!

Mature height: 20m x 10m